Read more about the article From SQL Server to MSMQ using PowerShell

From SQL Server to MSMQ using PowerShell

How do you get records from a SQL Server table into a MSMQ queue as separate XML messages?

A commonly suggested way to communicate with MSMQ from within SQL Server is to create a CLR assembly. See for instance this article that has a great coverage of how to use CLR in this scenario. Note however that you have to import the System.Messaging.dll as unsafe for this to work. And you have to enable CLR obviously.

If this is not an option, another way to do it is to use PowerShell. Which is what I will cover in this demonstration.


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Read more about the article Performance Monitor Data into SQL Server tables
Microsoft SQL Server

Performance Monitor Data into SQL Server tables

On a machine running SQL Server there are a lot of performance counters that can be used to create baselines or to investigate performance problems. Those specific to SQL Server can be sampled regularly from the system table sys.dm_os_performance_counters. But those belonging to the OS must be gathered in some other way. Since I’m a SQL Server DBA, of course I want the counters saved to a table in SQL Server 🙂


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